This Ash Wednesday, I can’t do ‘Ashes to Go’ or ‘#Ashtag’

Came across this in my feed about Ash Wednesday. I hadn’t heard of this but really appreciated his thoughts on this. If you can’t take the time to go to a service for the faith you profess to believe in, then perhaps you should re-evaluate your priorities. Again. It’s a running theme for me. What … [Read more…]

The minimal wardrobe, revisited

Over the past few months I have been steadily decreasing the amount of clothing I own and curating what I leave behind into a collection that is largely mix and match and full of favorites. I have had inspiration from Miss Minimalist, Shari Braendel, Living More with Less, The 333 project and more. Black is … [Read more…]

6 Things about Binghamton that make me want to live out of a bus anywhere else and 1 good thing

The other day I came up with a new slogan for my hometown. “Binghamton: Beautiful Deadness” I have lived here for 28 years and threaten to leave frequently. My husband and I started this whole “simplicity” thing in order to downsize our stuff so someday we can make a quick tidy exit. Alas, my parents … [Read more…]