Sat down to write out a list of wants and this isn’t what I intended but was perhaps what I needed to remind myself of, or give myself some direction, or at least some entertainment…
Here’s my list of “wants” (written while sitting on my “patio” while children ran amuck and my husband mowed the lawn):
I would SO rather be sitting on a porch or better yet, swinging on a porch- MY porch- somewhere the sun actually shining wasn’t seen as something miraculous.
I’d like my basement cleaned out. So clean you could hold a roller derby down there.
I’d like to throw out my alarm clock and just leave the blinds open to wake up with the sun.
I’d like to wake up feeling purposeful. And energetic. (not stiff and confused)
I’d like less responsibilities and more opportunities.
I’d like to take my dog for a walk on the beach every morning.
I’d like to write a blog post every day.
I’d like my children to actually hear what I say. And act accordingly.
I’d like to develop more compassion for some people. Namely privileged people who cry about stuff. Ok, maybe not.
I’d like to feel appreciated and respected by someone other than my dog.
I’d like every dog to be a pug. And I’d like them to develop a pug that doesn’t shed.
I’d like a cure for celiac disease so I can eat a friggin’ croissant.
I would like miniature cats.
I’d like to end my workday at 3 and not start until 9.
I want to take off 1 month a year.
I’d like a best friend.
I’d like rum and coke to be calorie free. Wine too.
I’d like to throw dinner parties every week and know people who would come.
I’d like to have friendly neighbors.
I’d like to be able to walk to work and the store.
I’d like to never have to shave again. Or pluck nose hair. Ouch!
I’d like to be enthused about reading my bible again.
I’d like to see an end to child, elder and spousal abuse.
I’d like every to try their hardest to be healthy and to help those who can’t help themselves.
I’d like everyone to have a job and feel/be useful.
I’d like a surrogate grandma. She can come live with me.
I’d like to find the perfect foundation. And purse.
I’d like to see Jesus.
And that, my friends, is all she wrote…
Here’s to a new week!
It’s always a pleasure to hear from someone with exeprtise.