Meet Rhino, our Peruvian Guinea pig!
I know I have already posted about this a little bit but I’m totally biased here and I really really think Guinea pigs make the best simple pets. Here’s why:
1. They are incredibly adorable. I want a pet that makes me want to hold him and take care of him just by looking at him. Fish are the opposite of this. I want a pet that makes me smile. Guinea pigs fit the bill.
2. They are funny. Have you ever HEARD a guinea pig. They are kind of hysterical. Rhino speeds around his cage like a maniac and then freaks out when you feed him because he is THAT EXCITED! Even my dog doesn’t get that excited about food. Neither do my children.
3. The cage. So some people don’t like the idea of a dog crate (like my hubby) but I feel it’s the safest place for a dog (especially naughty Violet) when we are not here to supervise. But there is no guilt in a Guinea pig cage. Going out for an afternoon? He’s got his bed, food, water and a place to potty. AND he can exercise. Simple.
4. They don’t eat much and their food is cheap. He eats these little pellets and some alfalfa hay. He gets little bits of other things and he likes popcorn. He doesn’t seem to like the fancy pieces of food that is in his feed. Smart boy. It’s probably filled with artificial color anyway. Caveat: Guinea pig food is not gluten free. I have to wash my hands well after feeding him. I fill his water bottle every couple of days and he gets fed pellets daily.
5. They are really docile. He likes to be held even by my little kids (with supervision) and he is right now in the pocket of my hoodie on my lap while I write this. He even “purrs” when you pet him. Its so cute I could die.
6. He FITS in my hoodie pocket and he probably always will. Size matters when you have downsized or are planning to downsize. The sheer size of my dogs crate makes it impossible to put it in the back of my car and it takes up a sizable chunk of my laundry room.
7. Did I mention how cute they are?
8. They are cheap. Not just their food. Rhino was $25 at the state fair. I bought a new cage and that was not cheap but you could get one second hand. If I had actually planned for getting a Guinea pig I would have done it that way.
9. They make great spur of the moment additions. That’s what happened when we got Rhino. Walked in and saw the baby Guinea pig. Fell in love. Brought him home. I didn’t have to worry about training him. And just about anyone else with two arms and who isn’t allergic can take care of him when I go away. He’s really simple.
10. His cage doesn’t smell. I use pine shavings and some paper stuff that absorbs well. I don’t know if it’s because he is still young but his cage never smells. And honestly I am incredibly lazy and have only cleaned out his cage twice since we got him. Of course, it could be that he does a large portion of his pooping on US when we hold him. And I’ve been peed on twice. I guess that one is not for the faint of heart but you’re talking to a nurse. Not much grosses me out. A little Guinea pig poopie is nothing. 🙂
So if you have a child who is begging for a pet and you want easy and cute, get a Guinea pig. If you’re like me you will find yourself playing with it almost as much as the kids!
Enjoy your pig!
Liz 🙂